My journey towards Angels

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales, if you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” – Albert Einstien. I still vividly remember being tucked under my blanket, the rain pelting away at my windows, with my mother beside me practically every school night generously reading to […]
How to become a certified Hypnotherapist in Dubai?

EKAA (formerly known as the California Hypnosis Institute of India – CHII) is the FIRST ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy Training Institute in India and recognized globally as one of the standards of training for Hypnotherapy as an alternate form of healing and wellness.
The struggle with change; and how Reiki can help

We often wake up feeling the need for change. Perhaps a lingering thought on our minds since a while – but we simply don’t get around bring about such a change without struggle. Let’s reflect upon change this week – and about how we may struggle with change.
How can Hypnotherapy help deal with Stress and Anxiety

Too much stress can lead to a whole host of physical, psychological, emotional and behavioral problems. Common symptoms include depression, mood swings, low self-esteem, problems with concentration … etc
You Can Be Spiritual and Wealthy

Do I hear your mind going crazy with the thought, “how can one be spiritual and wealthy”? This is because our perception of ‘Being Rich’ is nowhere close to going on a mountaintop and meditating. But hey, who’s talking about being a Rich Monk.
Experience the Power of Mindfulness and Meditation

Know where you are at to know where you are going. It’s important to connect to the physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual aspect of ourselves, and pay attention to those intuitive hits that tell us when something is off. Checking in several times a day can allow us to self-correct and get back to balance, supporting and maintaining harmony […]
The Chakra System

The Root or Base Chakra is located at the base of the spine. This chakra helps you with your awareness of self and your place in the world. It has been attributed to monetary and career success. It can also be used to enhance your emotional and physical well-being.