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Too much stress can lead to a whole host of physical, psychological, emotional and behavioral problems. Common symptoms include depression, mood swings, low self-esteem, problems with concentration … etc

We all experience stress at one stage or another. It can be caused by our professional or personal lives, and each individual will cope with it differently.

Too much stress can lead to a whole host of physical, psychological, emotional and behavioral problems. Common symptoms include depression, mood swings, low self-esteem, problems with concentration … etc

How to cope with stress?

Research suggests that one in every 3 people experience work-related stress that they believe is making them ill. The aim may not be to eliminate stress completely, but find effective ways of managing it and using it to our advantage.

Some techniques that can help you deal with stress include;

  • Change your behavior – share your experience and talk more to others about your day. Share your thoughts with those close to you.
  • Relax your mind – shut your eyes and breathe slowly. Do this for 5 minutes for 3 times a day.
  • Find a word or a phrase that motivates you and you can relate to. Close your eyes and say that word slowly in your mind 5 times.

Each individual can find different ways on how they can cope with stress. Some like to be engaged in an energetic sport while some simply want to shut off their mind and play a video game.

But let’s talk about how relaxation of the mind in particular can help with long-lasting results.

How can Hypnotherapy treat Stress & Anxiety?

Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool to deal with stress.

Unlike medication, it’s entirely natural. A hypnotherapist can help you learn how to relax so that you reduce your stress and tension as well as anxiety. They can also teach you how to do self hypnosis so that you are able to relieve the stress whenever you need to.

A simple technique is what is called the PCAT formula.

P: Talk about the problem.
C: Bypass the critical conscious mind through self-hypnosis.
A: Access your inner resources.
T: Transform the problem.

Not only will hypnosis help you relieve stress at any given moment, it can also help you eliminate or at least reduce the problems that are causing stress in other areas of your life, the root cause. Regardless of what our triggers are, it is our mind that tells our body how it will respond to those triggers. If our mind interprets a situation as being stressful it will tell our body that we are in a stressful situation and

Regardless of what our triggers are, it is our mind that tells our body how it will respond to those triggers. If our mind interprets a situation as being stressful it will tell our body that we are in a stressful situation and our body will react accordingly. Zankhana Mistry is a Certified Clinical Psychologist and Hypnotherapist with

Zankhana Mistry is a Certified Clinical Psychologist and Hypnotherapist with Essentia Wellbeing Center in Dubai. “Life is just as simple or as difficult as we would like it to be, it’s just a matter of empowering yourself to take charge” says Zankhana Mistry


Stress is created by your thoughts and anticipation of what your mind believes will happen next. Hypnosis for stress and anxiety helps your mind perceives situations differently, which will reduce stress and make you feel better, healthier and happier. Know someone who facing a lot of stress and does not know how to deal with it? Get in touch and book in a session with us at our center in Dubai to learn more about how Hypnotherapy can help.


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