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Membership Packages

Our packages are designed to promote wellbeing and help you transform into a lifestyle that is a holistic balance of the mind, body and soul.

Conscious Lifestyle

Our packages are designed to promote wellbeing and help you transform into a lifestyle that is a holistic balance of the mind, body and soul.

3 months

Healthy Lifestyle

Our packages are designed to promote wellbeing and help you transform into a lifestyle that is a holistic balance of the mind, body and soul.

6 months

Holistic Lifestyle

Our packages are designed to promote wellbeing and help you transform into a lifestyle that is a holistic balance of the mind, body and soul.

12 months

*All packages can be paid in instalments within the first quarter of the validity.

Terms and Conditions

  • Validity of all packages begins when the membership kit is handed to you after the first payment.
  • Therapy and healing sessions can be used interchangeably with the mutual consent of both facilitators and clients.
  • Clients can obtain priority registration for all events up to 24 hours in before the start of the event.
  • All bookings will be based on schedule availability as usual.
  • No show or cancellation within 24 hours will lead to forfeiting of the private sessions.
  • For group sessions members can walk-in without any prior registration.
  • If the event is cancelled due to any reason, this will be compensated to you with another event in the same month or may be carried over to the next month.
  • Family members include parents, spouse and children only.
  • Discounts cannot be clubbed with other offers.
  • All monthly benefits that are not obtained will be forfeited the consecutive month and cannot be used as carry overs.
  • The guest pass can be used for both new as well as old clients.
  • Members are entitled to attend all events on priority basis.
  • Events and activities within the framework of Essentia Wellbeing Center are eligible for discounts.
  • Discounts are not available on events that are on a rental basis with external facilitators.
  • Once collected points reach 100 points, it can be used for cash back for retail purchase of an equivalent amount.
  • The Holistic Lifestyle Membership will be available to clients at 10% discount of its price in the consecutive year.

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If you have questions or would like additional information about Essentia Wellbeing Center or its services, we'd love to hear from you.

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