Zankhana Mistry, is a certified Psychologist with a passion for transforming the lives of people to enable them to live their highest and best potential and life. Trained and certified in many holistic modalities empowers the specialised tried and tested “Transformation Program” created by her that helps people live their best life as vouched by many transformed clients. A Certified Hypnotherapist in Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy by EKAA, she is also part of EKAA faculty as a teacher up to Level 3 of the same curriculum. Her holistic therapy approach integrates her learnings from Regression therapy by TASSO Institue of Holland, Hypnotherapy & Reiki offering a complete experience of resolution and her connection to higher sources reflected in her Tarot card readings. Her life transformation offerings also include Family constellation therapy and workshops that support the healing journey of each client.
Her most prominent strengths are an integrated insight into working with energy, mind and body. This allows for holistic growth and betterment for clients that work with her and brings about lasting change in the most deep-rooted issues. She has a warm and friendly personality that helps her to connect with all age groups, effortlessly. Her calm and empathetic demeanour sets the healing in momentum even before the process is initiated.
My sessions with Dr. Zankhana Mistry really made a difference in the perspective I see my life. It cleared all the fog and gave a clear vision to focus. The positive vibe and warmth that I got from my sessions with her are helping me to look forward for the tasks ahead and leave behind the un necessary baggage that I was carrying. The whole experience was very Deep, Calm and Settling.
Thank you very much!